妙境小说网 >历史军事 >敦刻尔克(克里斯托弗・诺兰导演《敦刻尔克》原著小说) > 贡献者名单


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G. E. Lille―RAF, 264th Fighter Squadron Thomas H. Lilley―BEF, Royal Engineers, 242nd Field Company Lt. -Col. S. J. Linden-Kelly, DSO―BEF, 2nd Lancashire Fusiliers; HMS Shikari Maj. A. E. Lindley, RCT―BEF, 11th Infantry Brigade; Pangbourne Margaret Loat―civilian, Warrington, Lancashire, return of troops Reginald Lockerby, TD, Dip. MA, Inst. M―BEF, RAOC, 2nd Ordnance Field Park; HMS Venomous Frederick Louch―BEF, RAMC, 13th Ambulance Train

T. Page―BEF, RASC, II Corps Mary Palmer―civilian, Ramsgate, return of troops James V. Parker―RN, 2nd Chatham Naval Barracks, beaches; HMS Grenade Maj. C. G. Payne―BEF, Royal Artillery, 69th Medium Regiment; Tynwald Thomas F. Payne―BEF, 4th Royal Sussex Regiment; HMS Medway Queen Grace Pearson―civilian, GPO, Bournemouth, return of troops L. A. Pell―BEF, Royal Engineers Rear-Adm. Pelly, CB, DSO―RN, HMS Windsor N. J. Pemberton―BEF, 2nd Middlesex Regiment Brig. G. W. H. Peters―BEF, 2nd Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment Pamela Phillimore―WRNS, naval headquarters, Dover Lt. -Col. John W. Place―BEF, 2nd North Staffordshire Regiment H. Playford―civilian, Naval Store House of H. M. Dockyard, Sheerness T. J. Port―RN, HMS Anthony F. J. Potticary―BEF, 1st/5th Queen's Royal Regiment; Royal Daffodil J. W. Poulton―BEF, Royal Artillery, 65th Heavy And-Aircraft Regiment Lt. -Cdr. H. B. Poustie, DSC―RN, HMS Keith, St. Abbs Stan Priest―BEF, RAMC, III Corps; Mona's Isle Kathleen M. Prince―civilian, Bournemouth, return of troops David W. Pugh, DSO, MD, FRCP―RNVR, HMS Whitshed, HMS Hebe M. F. Purdy―civilian, London, return of troops Edgar G. A. Rabbets―BEF, 5th Northamptonshire Regiment Mrs. R. L. Raft―civilian, Ramsgate, return of troops Maj. I. F. R. Ramsay―BEF, 2nd Dorset Regiment

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