第106章 参考书目[第2页/共8页]
———. “Incredible: The Man Who Built Pixar's Innovation Machine.” Fortune,November 15, 2004.
National Mining Hall of Fame, Leadville, Co.: http://www.mininghalloffame.org/inductee/jackling
Paramahansa Yogananda. Autobiography of a Yogi. Oakland, CA: Self-Realization Fellowship, 1998.
Smithsonian Institution's “Oral and Video Histories” Steve Jobs interview on April 20, 1995: http://americanhistory.si.edu/comphist/sj1.html
Hiltzik, Michael A. Dealers of Lightning: Xerox PARC and the Dawn of the Computer Age. New York: HarperBusiness, 1999.
The Ralston White Retreat: www.ralstonwhiteretreat.org/history.asp
Securities and Exchange Commission S-1 filing of the prospectus for Apple Computer Inc.'s initial public offering on December 22, 1980. (Filing date December 12, 1980.)
National Historic Trust for Historic Preservation: preservationnation.org(Jackling Mansion details)
———. “Steve Jobs: Graying Prince of a Shrinking Kingdom.” Fortune, May 14,2001.
Lashinsky, Adam. Inside Apple: How America's Most Admired— and Secretive—Company Really Works. New York: Business Plus, 2012.
Tedlow, Richard S. Andy Grove: The Life and Times of an American. New York:Penguin, 2006.